"Svenja Schüffler`s work deals with topics related to Human-Earth-Science and the uncertainty of knowledge, accompanied by the Art Project "Institute for Uncertain Knowledge IUK"

Find more on IUK here.

Kopf eines Hirsches getötet durch einen Pfeil 
(nach Albrecht Dürer) 
Project: Sacrifice – What is worth more, art or life? 
Water colour, pastel chalk on paper, wooden arrow with feathers through glass, paper, 45 x 30cm
Replica of an original Renaissance frame from Flanders.
Secret sheet behind: 
Getötet durch einen Pfeil
Drawing on paper/mixed media
Polaroid with a snippet of the hidden work, wrapped in silk paper.

Kopf eines Hirsches getötet durch einen Pfeil
(nach Albrecht Dürer)
Project: Sacrifice – What is worth more, art or life?
Water colour, pastel chalk on paper, wooden arrow with feathers through glass, paper, 45 x 30cm
Replica of an original Renaissance frame from Flanders.
Secret sheet behind:
Getötet durch einen Pfeil
Drawing on paper/mixed media
Polaroid with a snippet of the hidden work, wrapped in silk paper.

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